Minerva Baja powertrain director
Minerva BAJA UFRJ · Part-time
Feb 2024 –
1 yrs 1 mos Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
I work along the minerva team as director of powertrain sector, that means i am responsible to coordinate the members and give the project a direction. On this role i also check and project all components of the system in CAD and also on real life, that has gave i solid understanding of CAD in ways to keep the model feasible in real life, fast to be modeled and also easy to modify if needed .
Red Bull do Brasil LTDA
Red Bull do Brasil LTDA · Internship
Nov 2023 –
1 yrs 4 mos undefined, RJ, Brazil
I work as a marketeer student, although is not even close to my graduation area that i love, it is a big opportunity to learn areas that i never would as a mechanical engineer, in this program i have to learn mainly on how to negotiate, hoe to understand the pain of someone and how to solve. On the many thing i am responsible also need to put my CAD and engineering knowledge to use, one exemple of that was once i had to 3d print and program a mockup of a C4 for people to play in the world wide, couter-strike competition, GET 2024