Global rank:
86,764 / 95,528
Skill pts: 0


I'm a curious innovator at heart who's trying to make his way into financial independence so I can tinker and invent as I want. This nature was recognized by my university when I applied and has stuck with me to this day. I've tried my hand at starting two businesses, one in highschool regarding an electromagnetic car suspension and another in college regarding a novel inhalation method for cigarettes. My professional career afterward has lead me down the path of reviewing existing designs for inadequacies and providing effective solutions for existing machines and entirely new applications. Please contact me with any questions. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒


  • Mechanical Engineer Serapid Inc. · Full-time Mar 2022 – Present 3 yrs Sterling Heights, MI, United States Here, I worked initially as a designer and then quickly switched to project management, primarily while taking on some engineering work. At the start of 2024, I transitioned back into full-time mechanical engineering once we hired a suitable project manager to take on my project load.

    In contrast to my previous job, this one involved designing brand-new applications of our existing rigid chain technology for a variety of customers and environments. Our customers include Disney, Universal, SpaceX, Siemens, and many private theatre companies worldwide (though my focus was in the US).

    A recent accomplishment of mine was designing a new telescoping mast system that would function to lift a turbine blade mold while within a vacuum furnace. The complications that both the high heat and vacuum caused proved to be very intriguing problems to solve. But it's since been built and tested and functions as intended.

    I've also done some field inspection and supervision at both this job and my previous one, which I can discuss in more detail if requested.
  • Project Engineer Dalton Industries · Full-time Jul 2017 – Mar 2022 4 yrs 8 mos Waterford Township, MI, United States I worked as both a project manager and design engineer here. I was one of only two engineers at the company so I had much responsibility from the start. The company was primarily tasked with repairing large and very heavy steel mill and concrete processing equipment. On many occasions, we were asked to upgrade the existing design to prevent specific failure modes identified by our customers' maintenance crew members. These were the most fun, and I gained much experience converting existing designs into better ones.

    On one particular project, we changed an existing design of a steel scale descaling "hood" to allow for far better removal of the large scale present upon a steel slab about to enter the first roughing stand of the process that would later turn it into a coil of ready-to-finish steel plate. I'd be happy to delve into more detail about this project or my other work performed here.


  • Case Western Reserve University B.S., Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, B 2012 – 2016 Activities and Societies: Delta Chi Here is where I learned to apply their motto: "Think beyond the possible." I was tasked with many interesting projects in my later years, including designing a personal jet for up to two people and luggage, and a robot arm that would aid in speeding up a manufacturing process.

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