Global rank:
90,537 / 94,231
Skill pts: 0


1. Sheet metal design
2. Preparing technical drawings suitable for production.
3. Creating the product tree of the product to be produced.


  • İş tecrübelerim HMY Group · Full-time May 2018 – Present 6 yrs 9 mos Tekirdağ, Türkiye 1. Analyzing the projects received from our customers and deciding on the products that will require raw materials, critical materials and prototypes for production.
    2. Preparing technical drawings suitable for production by making 3D designs of the products in line with the incoming demand.
    3. Production process and follow-up of the product that needs to be prototyped.


  • Near East University , Cyprus Faculty of engineering, Makine müh., 4/2,80 2013 – 2017

Other experience

  • Solidworks, solidedge null