Global rank:
91,459 / 94,339
Skill pts: 0
2D & 3D CAD Design 2D AutoCAD 2D CAD Drawings 2D Detailing ANSI Annotate CAD Drawings Attention to Detail Autodesk Inventor 2025 CAD Design CAM CATIA Precision SolidWorks Tolerances


I quickly developed an interest in Computer Aided Design during my freshman year of college. The interest turned into a passion, and I had to know everything about the software from efficient use of its tools to its complex inner workings and administration. Practicing CAD regularly through online tutorials and textbook exercises became routine for me. My expertise is in the Autodesk lineup of software but have been practicing other brands as of recently including SolidWorks, Siemens and Catia. My organizational skills and attention to detail are well suited for design work.


  • Tutor and Instructors Assistant University of Alabama · Part-time Aug 2020 – Present 4 yrs 6 mos Tuscaloosa, AL, United States One on one tutoring of freshman students. Hosted group clinics for CAD exercises.


  • University of Alabama Applied Sciences, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 3.7 2019 – 2026 (expected)