Global rank:
93,831 / 94,104
Skill pts: 0


I have 7+ years experienced in CAD/CAM and CAE. My cnc programming tools;
-Siemens NX.

Design tools;
-Siemens NX,
-Fusion 360.

I can design;
-Machine and machine parts,
-3d printable parts.

I can programming;
-3/4/5 axis cnc milling machines,
-2 axis or c-y axis lathe machines,
-Cnc routers and I can prepare any of cnc postprocessor according to your cnc's control panel.

My other services;
-Animating any of mechanism
-Converting 3d models to any of desired extension like step to dxf/dwg, or step to stl file.


  • KTU Mechanical engeenering, Engineeering, 3,22/4 2012 – 2017