Global rank:
26,190 / 95,291
Skill pts: 0


Graduated in 2010. Since then, focused on the certification and testing of HVAC units. This incorporated various standards: UL, CSA, ISO, EN etc... allowing me to understand the safety requirements in various products and the legal framework of different regulatory bodies.
Further explored my mechanical engineering career in industrial machine design, thus implementing my knowledge and skills in practice.
I apply a hands-on approach to product design, from the implementation of product design cycles to on-field testing and investigation.


  • Engineering Consultant AMS Engineering · Self-employed Aug 2019 – Present 5 yrs 7 mos undefined, Malta As a self-employed consulting engineer I provide insight to clients who
    require a technical evaluation within my professional competence.
    Typical services that I conduct are;
    Production optimisation and workflow analysis
    Machinery consultation
    Technical liaison with suppliers/distributors
    Guidance and assistance to certification requirements to attain
    European conformity
    Connection with certification test houses
    Thermal surveys of electrical and plumbing installations
  • Testing and Certification Engineer Seifert Systems Ltd · Full-time Jun 2010 – Jan 2017 6 yrs 7 mos undefined, Malta Coordination of all internal and external product certification
    Control of external certification projects including control
    of documentation (e.g. UL, TUV etc...).
    Maintaining documentation as per requirements of
    external certification bodies, (e.g. EU directives, etc..).
    Control of internal certification projects.
    Review and application of international standards
    Maintaining the standards library.
    Determining the effects of and taking action relative to
    standard changes.
    Ensuring the correct adherence of products to standard
    Control of internal product qualification
    Coordination of internal product qualification/testing
    Ensuring test facilities are equipped and maintained as necessary
    Determining test requirements from customer
    requirements and international standards / developing test
    Support for testing activities.
    Responsible for thermal imaging.
    Generation and review of test reports/documents.
    Supporting R&D engineers in developing test plans.


  • University of Malta B. Eng (Hons), Mechanical engineering, Honours 2006 – 2010

Other experience

  • Level 1 Thermographer Infrared Training Center Showing competence and fulfilled all requirements to:
    Operate an infrared camera.
    Collect quality data.
    Produce professional infrared inspection reports.
    Understand the techniques and limitations of infrared
    thermography for specific applications.
  • Explosive Atmosphere: Fundamentals of Global Hazardous Locations Requirements - UL Knowledge Services Familar with the requirements called for:
    How areas become classified and why hazardous locations are
    U.S. and international protection techniques for Classes, Divisions
    and Zones.
    The basics of European compliance according to the ATEX
    The National Electrical Code® (NEC) classifications of flammable
    gases, liquids and vapors; combustible dusts; ignitable fibers.
    How to select the appropriate standard to meet Certification
    Construction and performance requirements based on the
    protection techniques.
    Wiring methods and other installation concerns covered by the
  • Explosive Atmosphere: Intrinsic Safety Design Overview - UL Knowledge Services Familiar with the requirements called for:
    Components on which intrinsic safety depends.
    Infallible components, infallible assemblies of components and
    infallible connections.
    Diode safety barriers.
    Type verification and tests.
    Comparison of Division 1 and Zone 0 requirements.
    Identify intrinsic safety concepts.
    Navigate international standards on intrinsic safety.
    Apply the requirements for protective components.
    Interpret fault analysis and fault counting.
    Design according

Licenses & Certifications

  • Authorised Electrician, Type A Malta Resources Authority May 2015 – Present See credential
  • Engineering Warrant Minister for transport and infrastucture Dec 2014 – Present See credential