Global rank:
33,369 / 96,010
Skill pts: 0


Over 5 years of industrial experience in the complex models of pulp packaging product like egg trays, industrial packaging etc. using the 3D CAD software solidworks.


  • Product Design and Development Engineer KSP Technologies · Full-time Feb 2015 – Present 10 yrs 1 mos Tarn Taran Sahib, PB, India Over 5 years of experience in developing and designing of pulp molded products like egg trays, apple trays, vegetable trays, industrial packaging, and eco-friendly baggase tableware products, etc and their molds and mold pattern using 3D Cad software and Reverse engineering process.


  • Punjab Techanical University M TECH, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 7.85 2016 – 2018
  • I. K. GUJRAL PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY B. TECH, Mechanical egineering, 79.5% 2010 – 2014

Other experience

  • Wood Working
  • CAD CAM Trainer