A Mechanical Engineer and a team player with an MBA in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS having 15+ years overall experience.
Senior Engineer
Multiple Companies · Full-time
May 2000 –
24 yrs 10 mos
Coimbatore, TN, India
Design & Product Engineering: 2-D & 3-D Design & Modeling using CAD (IDEAS / NX / SOLIDWORKS, Autocad) and Sheet Metal Design. FEA using ANSYS.
PSG College of Technology
MBA, Information Systems, A+
2003 – 2005
Activities and Societies:
Specialized in Information Systems
Software Project Management, Software Process Management, ERP, CAD/CAM systems
Bharathiar University
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, First Class
1997 – 2000
Activities and Societies:
Specialized in Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering
CAD CAM Tools used: Autocad, IDEAS, NX, CATIA, ANSYS
Other experience
Product Development: Design for Manufacturing (DFM) / Design for Assembly (DFA) / Design for Quality (DFQ) and new product development for various Machine design frames.