Global rank:
2,889 / 94,841
Skill pts: 10


I had done Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and B.E. inMechanical Engineering. I had done various courses for engineering design during my Diploma and Bachelorette. I had mostly worked on SIEMENS NX and to become versatile I also learnt SOLIDWORKS. I can efficiently work on both the softwares. I had done various projects for local manufacturers on both softwares.

3D Models

Design Entries


  • L. D. College of Engineering Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical engineering, 8.6/10 2017 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Member of Indian Drone Community
  • Sir Bhavsinhji Polytechnic Institute Diploma In Mechanical Engineering, Mechaical Engineering, 9.4/10 2014 – 2017