Global rank:
37,598 / 96,235
Skill pts: 0


I am an automobile engineer with good theoretical background. I was a university scholar in the very second, third and fourth year of my engineering. I graduated in 2015 and then obtained a PG Diploma in Industrial Robotics & Automation. I have worked at Rajshree Engineering Pvt. Ltd as a quality engineer(on contract basis) for 3 years and I have relevant knowledge of quality tools like CAPA(8 D'S), FMEA, PFMEA, Root Cause Analysis and Defect Analysis Report . I have used various measuring instruments like Vernier Calliper, Height gauge, Radius gauge, Slip gauge etc. I am currently working as a design engineer at design solution, Indore. I have working knowledge of AutoCad, Creo Parametrics and UG NX Cad.


  • Design Engineer Design Solution · Full-time Aug 2020 – Present 4 yrs 7 mos Indore, MP, India I am responsible for making 2D and 3D drawings of mechanical components using Creo and AutoCAD softwares.


  • SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY B . E, Automobile Engineering, A+ 2011 – 2015