Global rank:
39,811 / 94,912
Skill pts: 0


I am a fast learner where if I don't know what to do I will find out how one way or another. I love using visuals as a tool to understand tangible things such as schematics and modeling. I am proficient in CAD software such as SolidWorks and Creo, starting to learn Fusion 360. I've worked at PECO as an analyst for their gas pipeline systems throughout the city of Philadelphia. I've also worked on an education project for grade-schoolers to do in their physics class about magnetic fields.


  • Gas Analyst PECO · Full-time Mar 2020 – Jan 2021 10 mos Plymouth Meeting, PA, United States -Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics, or computer-generated reports to see if piping matched information given in report
    -Received daily emails with list of gas piping addresses that needed to be entered into company database insuring quality assurance and safety measures
    -Correction reports would be filed with notice of what to fix along with new codes instilled within the company’s procedures
    -Learned about how and why gas piping was built and installed in residential areas as well as learned past and new piping codes for certain ways of gas piping


  • Drexel University BACHELER OF ENGINEERING, Mechaical Engineering, Pre-Junior 2018 – 2023 Activities and Societies: Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity Inc.