Global rank:
3,910 / 95,372
Skill pts: 7


I am a Certified Mechanical engineer with a Master's in Naval architecture and marine engineering.
I can offer you services like:
- mechanical designs and calculations
- product design and 3d modeling
- ship design
-structural design
my best projects
- complete the design of the duckweed field with all the calculations needed.
- design an ROV ( remotely operated underwater vehicle)
- I made a design of the gearbox with its equations
- I made a design for a manufacturing JIG
- series 62 ship design

Best regards
Ahmed Abdelhady


  • Manager - Design shipyard · Full-time Jul 2013 – Present 11 yrs 8 mos Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt i am responsible of solving systems problems by new designs


  • ENGINEEING UNIVERSITY BA, Mechaical Engineering, A 2008 – 2013 Activities and Societies: freelancing i have graduated the fifth of my grade

Other experience

  • Marine Vessel Designer

Licenses & Certifications