Global rank:
41,333 / 95,731
Skill pts: 0


I am mechanical engineer Msc. I have analytic-creative thinking and goodplanning skill for my job. I use Autodesk Inventor programmed as advanced level for 10 years. I have designed hundreds of fixtures and tools so far. For instance, I have designed cnc bending, final control fixtures; endforming, bending tools for automobile climate tubes and other required equipments for new product projects.


  • Product Development Chief KONVEYOR · Full-time Jun 2015 – Present 9 yrs 9 mos undefined, İstanbul, Turkey To be responsible for engineering (new or revise product introduction) process,

    Performing manufacturability evaluation (feasibility) and cost (defining BOM list and process cycle times)-capasity analysis for all products (evaporator, condenser, automobile climate tubes) in quotation, prototype and pre serial steps , acc. to customer technical drawings, specifications and other specs with using especially current die-raw material lists, lessons leaned and know-how.
    Designing tool-fixture-apparatus for new projects
    To be In charge of follow prototype manufacturing
    Managing APQP-PPAP (PFMEA, run at rate, first pass yield studies etc.) process,
    To be responsible for preparing and updating engineering process documentation for both ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016.
  • Process and Design Engineer PHI METAL · Full-time Feb 2012 – Jun 2015 3 yrs 4 mos Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey Designing tool/fixture for new stabilizer bar and suspension spring projects and following their manufacture process,
    Implementation cost reduction and quality improving studies,
    Attending lean production studies,
    Making 5S / Kaizen studies,
    Preparing operation control card, machine running instructions each process for new products.


  • Gebze Technical University 3.43, Mechaical Engineering, MSC 2013 – 2016
  • Uludag University 3,31, MECHANIAL ENGINEERING, BSC 2006 – 2011