
I have worked in the engineering industry since 2012, primarily with sheet metal. I have a lot of experience reading and interpreting engineering drawings. I currently work as a CAD designer, making 3D models for the sheet metal industry, for cutting, folding and fabrication patterns. In my spare time I use my experience reading drawings to make 3D designs of mechanical parts, sheet metal components, 3D prototyping, designs with plastic, steel constructions (frame working etc.), timber constructions (stair casing, decking etc.) amongst other things. I am up for a challenge and happy to meet your 3D designing needs


  • CAD Technician Seward Precision Fabrication Ltd. · Full-time Sep 2013 – Present 11 yrs 6 mos Burnley, England, United Kingdom I work in the drawing office, converting customer drawings into sheet metal 3D models and creating flat patterns of these parts for cutting, folding and fabricating.

    I was promoted to this role from the shop floor, starting on the punch press, then moved up to running the press brakes, where I was made supervisor. I was then promoted to my current position within the drawing office,


  • Bangor University Marine Biology Honours Degree (BSc), Biology, 2:2 2007 – 2010 Activities and Societies: Mountain Walking Club Octopush Club

Other experience

  • Freelance 3D CAD Modelling I have used my spare time, since the beginning of 2021 to undertake 3D modelling gigs