Global rank:
42,249 / 96,010
Skill pts: 0
Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Autodesk Sketchbook CAD Design Creative Product Design Innovative Product Design Manual Rendering Problem Solving for Design Product 2D Design Product Design Product Design & 3D Modeling Product Design and Development Rhinoceros (RhinoCAD, Rhino 3D) Team Management Visualisation


I am a second-year student at NIFT, Chennai(India).
Domain-1. Product design
2.Accessory design(bags and home decor)
As a product design enthusiast, I like to maintain the standard and quality of my work. My main focus is to always think out of the box and to not reinvent the wheel, which has indeed helped me to create innovative products .


  • National Institute of Fashion Technology Bachelors , Leather design, 9.3 cgpa 2019 – 2023 Activities and Societies: I've worked as a creative head in various college fests.