A problem solver full of ideas, A man with a plan, A Mechanical engineer, A machine designer who can bring ideas to reality.an experienced machine designer and a marketing executive.
Being a mechanical design engineer and marketing executive, I have learnt a lot and wish to learn more
working with you. My experience in design software enables me to explain people my ideas and marketing skills help me to sell people my ideas in the form of end products.
In my former role as Marketing Executive I learnt management skills along with technical skills that helped me grow. The Pune Metro project that I worked on helped me learn about the bridge builders
and Fuwa India actually helped me imbibe marketing skills. The internships that I underwent with Drishti Works And Seamak Group gave me an technical upper hand and helped to know how mega structures work and gave me an overview of how companies function.
I have done a specialized Diploma in MECHANICAL CAD and the internship helped me improve my knowledge in 3D printing. Working with your firm will help me grow while fulfilling the organizational goal.
Kindly feel free to reach out to me
for anything required from my side. Looking forward to get an opportunity to speak to you further.
Thanks for the time and consideration.
3D Models
Automotive Design Engineer
Drishti works · Full-time
Mar 2021 –
Apr 2021
1 mos
Mumbai, MH, India
I designed Parts for the Autonomous Robotic System, Prototyped the system Suggest the final design to the Senior design engineer.
Yadavrao Tasgoankar Collage of Engg. & Management
B . E, Mechaical Engineering, A
2014 – 2018
Activities and Societies:
Football team Captain, e-yantra, Ishrae.
Participated in iit's conducted competition"E-Yantra", Designing of Cylinder liner, cylinder block, piston, flywheel, rocker mechanism for valves for engine in ishrae competition.
designed heat exchanger for 12 bar operating system.
designed tower fans and frp cooling fan for clients.
Other experience
designed tower fans and frp cooling fan for clients
As per clients direction, Calculated heat Load and designed a tower fan and FRP fan for cooing tower
designed heat exchanger for 12 bar operating system.
As per clients requirement designed a heat exchanger that would be incorporated in a power generating System.
Licenses & Certifications
Diploma in Mechanical CAD
EduCADD Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Oct 2017 –
See credential