Global rank:
45,532 / 95,295
Skill pts: 0


  • Assistant Architect Millimetre Ltd. · Full-time Jul 2021 – Present 3 yrs 8 mos Brighton, England, United Kingdom For this job, I employed my broad 3D modelling skillset to efficiently produce fabrication, visualization and costing drawings.

    I was constantly expected to meet tight deadlines and consult with expert makers on design decisions to achieve client goals.

    My most recent work with Millimetre was designing, developing and constructing a £2.4m pavilion in collaboration with the critically acclaimed architecture practice NMLA.


  • University of Brighton Bachelor of Arts , Architcture , 1st 2017 – 2020 Activities and Societies: During my final year, I voluntarily taught a 3D modelling workshop alongside my studies to teach 1st years 3D modelling as I felt this was a valuable skill which I had to teach myself in 1st year. Final year: I designed a perfume factory which floated overtop the perfume corner in East Street, Brighton & Hove.

    I modelled the entire project along with over 20 buildings using real world data to a very high level of detail in this part of Brighton using Rhino3D which greatly assisted me throughout the duration of the project.