Global rank:
7,038 / 95,239
Skill pts: 5


I have about 9 years of experience in jewelry design in reputable companies in the United
States, Canada, Iran and Turkey. My goal is to design innovative jewelry in complex and
new designs in the world. I am familiar with most of the jewelry styles of the world.


  • jewelry cad design · Full-time Feb 2015 – Present 10 yrs 1 mos undefined, Canada – At JEWELRYDESIGN, I design jewelry models, jewelry animation and rendering, and in
    the graphic department, jewelry is of my tasks. the name of the site is this: , the contact number of this company : ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ , the
    address of the company : 71 Frederick Pearson St
    – East Gwillimbury Ontario, Canada
  • Jewelry designer AMINJEWELLERS · Full-time Apr 2013 – Present 11 yrs 11 mos Los Angeles, CA, United States In Aminjewelers Company, I do jewelry design, jewelry animation, graphic photos in
    jewelry is also one of my duties in the company, the name of the site is this: , the contact number of this company : ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ , the
    address of the company : 608 S Broadway Ste E1, Los Angeles, CA 90014


  • Parsian B, Tourism, Hotel & Restaurant Management, b 2012 – 2017

Other experience

  • I first learned the intricate modeling of multi-piece jewelry, I have complete mastery of
    3D jewelry software : Zbrush , Matrix , Rhino , Rhinogold , 3dmax , Maya , Modo ,
    Solidworks , Blender, Hodini
    – I use for rendering substance, Vray, keyshot and Arnold. I am practically familiar with
    stone waste, casting, working with 3D printers, jewelry polishing and laser engraving.