Ph.D in Civil Engineering and in Computational Mechanics, specialized in Structural and MEP design with ample experience in the design of stadiums, buildings, hidraulic...
○Product design ,Industrial design
○Prototyping and mass production
○Composit design and manufacturing
○Organic design
○Generative design
○Freeform modeling
Research And Development Mechanical Engineer, having 3 years of experience at various fields such as numerical analysis, aerospace, aeronautics, product design, robotics, Fluid...
KADING d.o.o. (Ltd.) gathers experienced engineers who have developed their skills on projects which have required multi-disciplinary knowledge (mechanics, hydraulic etc.). Our...
Mechanical engineering professional with rhinoceros CAD design experience
I'm professionally a mechanical engineer. After primary studies, I was fond of being a mechanicst house and after that, I started a diploma of 3 years in a college in mechanical...