I'm Mohamed Sayed and I am a mechanical engineer and product designer with experiences for 5 years. I am a hardworking professional who enjoys challenges.
I can handle...
Título de grado obtenido: Diseñador Industrial, Escuela Universitaria Centro de Diseño, FADU UdelaR, Uruguay, 2020.
Dibujante AutoCAD desde el año 2012 a la...
I'm still student of civil engineering. I'm working onlinefor get more experience for future brightening and success in life. I'm also study for online graduation and God...
Over 25 years making computer models for the Investment Casting Industry.
Over 15 years making computer models for older model aircraft.
some included C130, Ch-47, Ah-64.
If you...
1) 2D drafting and drawing is the process of creating and editing technical drawings, as well as annotating designs.
2) Professional drafting services, ranging from simple 2D...