I'm Mohamed Sayed and I am a mechanical engineer and product designer with experiences for 5 years. I am a hardworking professional who enjoys challenges.
I can handle...
Título de grado obtenido: Diseñador Industrial, Escuela Universitaria Centro de Diseño, FADU UdelaR, Uruguay, 2020.
Dibujante AutoCAD desde el año 2012 a la...
I have 4 years of AutoCAD Designer & Drafting experience. I am a project engineer for an Electrical engineering company and have managed my own small design projects. I am...
I am a mechanical engineer with experience in the field of autocad modelling for more than 12 years.
I lead the design department in a workshop so it's almost my daily job 2d&3d.
In a world increasingly driven by visual content, businesses and individuals are constantly searching for the "best way to stand out". With my experience in graphic design I can...
I am an industrial designer working with 3D modeling and projects of product design to bring it to a real world, understanding, all the process to mass production.
In the past 4 years I studied CAD/CAM, CNC and additive manufacturing.
During this time I designed and realised a lot of gadgets and inventions, some of which I sell to...