Global rank:
56,208 / 94,430
Skill pts: 0


Hello! I'm Eli, and I finished top in my CATIA class becoming especially good at Wireframe and Surfaces, Part Design, and Assembly Design with proficiency in Drafting as well. I am only a Junior in high-school, but I believe that you will find upon hiring me that I am the most hard-working and motivated individual my age with these skills. One of the highlights of my career so far was modeling a commercial airplane in a group environment, where I took the leading role and designed the entire geometry for the interior and exterior of the jets. Furthermore, I have used my CATIA skills in order to design custom products that can be 3D printed and are used all around my school.


  • Textron Aviation Youth Engineer Intern Textron Aviation · Internship Jun 2022 – Aug 2022 2 mos Wichita, KS, United States I used my skills as a CAD designer to interpret and gain understanding on modern engineering drawing systems, organization methods, and specifications used by international companies.

Other experience

  • CAD Presentation I presented a presentation for the CAD professionals at the National Institute of Aviation Research on a team-based aviation related modeling project.
  • CATIA v6 I have taken a 16-college-credit-hour class at my school administered by the National Institute of Aviation Research, in which I have learned various parts of the CATIA V6 suite, such as Part Design, Wireframe and Surfaces, Assembly Design, Design Review, and Drafting.