Global rank:
63,050 / 95,237
Skill pts: 0
2D Design 3D & 2D Modeling and Drafting 3D Analysis and Design AutoCAD 2010~2023 CAD Design CSi Columns 2016~2023 CSi ETABS 2016~2023 CSi Safe 2016-2023 CSiBridge 2014~2023 Design and Analysis Design and Drafting Services Drafting FEA Simulation Finite Element Analysis MIDAS Civil 2019~2022 MIDAS FEA 2019~2022 Revit Structure 2015~2023 SAP SAP2000 2016-2023 SOFiSTiK 2019


Structural engineer / bridge designer engineer.
My responsibility is to modelling, analysing, design and submit approvals for a lot of bridges and corridors in Egypt as Luxor corridor, mokattam corridor, Aswan corridor, 26 July corridor and Elhadarat extension corridor.
Having a respectfully experience in design and analysis manually and by using softwares that based on FEM as SAP, SAFE,ETABS,CSI column (CSI package), Midas , and a simple knowledge about Ram ,and BEM as (plpak), in addition to modelling and drafting software as CAD and REVIT.
With a valuable knowledge in many codes as ECP,AASHTO LRFD, EUROCODE , and ASCE .


  • Structural engineer / bridge designer engineer. Sice · Full-time May 2022 – Present 2 yrs 10 mos Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt Structural engineer / bridge designer engineer.
    My responsibility is to modelling, analysing, design and submit approvals for a lot of bridges and corridors in Egypt as Luxor corridor, mokattam corridor, Aswan corridor, 26 July corridor and Elhadarat extension corridor.
    Having a respectfully experience in design and analysis manually and by using softwares that based on FEM as SAP, SAFE,ETABS,CSI column (CSI package), Midas , and a simple knowledge about Ram ,and BEM as (plpak), in addition to modelling and drafting software as CAD and REVIT.
    With a valuable knowledge in many codes as ECP,AASHTO LRFD, EUROCODE , and ASCE .


  • Cairo Univercity Master of Science, Structural engineering, A+ until now 2022 – 2024 Start preparing for master degree in the structural field with major concentration on dynamic analysis of structures.
  • Cairo Univercity BSC, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, B+ 2015 – 2020 Activities and Societies: Enroll in many competitions during the five years. - making a bridge with stickies (2nd position). - A 3th floor building with stickies and resist vibration (2nd position). Graduated with degree( very good with degree of honor) with structural analysis (bridges analysis and design) as major field of study.

Other experience

  • Structural analysis and design • With excellent experience in structural analysis and modeling software Like SAP, SAFE, ETABS, CSI bridges, CSI column, MIDAS Civil, Auto Cad and Revit and learning some new software like Sofistik and Civil 3D
  • Modeling Projects • With excellent experience in structural analysis and modeling software Like SAP, SAFE, ETABS, CSI bridges, CSI column, MIDAS Civil, Auto Cad and Revit and learning some new software like Sofistik and Civil 3D