Global rank:
67,047 / 95,107
Skill pts: 0


As an Architect, I am skilled professional with expertise in designing and overseeing
the construction of buildings and other physical structure. With a focus on creating
functional, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing spaces, I work closely with clients
to understand their needs and develop innovation solutions to meet their goals.


  • Architectural design & drafting Self Employed · Freelance Feb 2021 – Present 4 yrs 1 mos undefined, Sindh, Pakistan I work as a freelance architectural designer, which means that i provide architectural
    design services to clients on a project basis. I work independently, outside of a
    traditional firm structure, and I’m able to take on project based on m availability ad
    My work involves creating detailed plans and drawings using specialized software’s
    tool, and I collaborates with clients to design buildings, interiors, or landscape that
    meet their specific needs and preferences


  • Sir Syed University of Engineer and Technology Bachelor in Architecture, Architechture, 1st Division (3.2 CGPA) 2018 – 2023