Global rank:
76,098 / 95,237
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My company HDC Engineering is experts at Product Design, Engineering, and proof of concepts to full manufacturing production. We have a proven track record of over 330+ products developed and 125+ Man-Years of know how that cuts your development time to less than half of any other consulting group. You are not just hiring me, you are hiring an entire team of experts in Electronics, Mechanical, Plastics and Embedded product design and development.


  • CEO/CTO HDC Engineering · Full-time Jan 2020 – Present 5 yrs 2 mos Richardson, TX, United States Get chief Technical officer speed and quality on every project, rapid time to market.


  • Texas A&M University MSEE, Electrical Engineering, 4.0 1984 – 1987 Activities and Societies: IEEE Society, other numerous scientific memberships

Other experience

  • Rapid Prototypes With 125+ man year of intellectual property, I can develop your product fast.
  • Lifetime I have 25+ years of experience, which is a rarity. I am an expert not an amateur.