Global rank:
76,133 / 94,838
Skill pts: 0


* Rapidly designed, 3D printed, and tested many test fixtures for fast-paced experiments used in evaluation of new Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair (TMVR) products.
* Invented and revised both consumable products and comprehensive medical devices leveraging rapid prototyping solutions and end user feedback.
* Experienced in designing for the following manufacturing methods: CnC Machining, 3D Printing, Injection Molding, Ultrasonic Welding, and Sheet Metal Fabrication.


  • R&D Engineer II Medtronic · Full-time Jan 2023 – Nov 2023 10 mos Galway, G, Ireland * Rapidly designed, 3D printed, and tested many test fixtures for fast-paced experiments used in evaluation of new Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair (TMVR) products.
    * Analyzed data from experiments I personally led and executed. Generated and presented summarizing slide decks, spreadsheets, and documents from experiments.
    * Authored and executed test method documents for sheaths, dilators, and heart valve subsystems pertaining to TMVR products.
    * Learned and followed Medtronic Engineering processes for design verification and validation, and configuration management.
  • Product Development Engineer Daxor Corporation · Full-time Dec 2018 – Dec 2022 4 yrs Oak Ridge, TN, United States * Invented and revised existing products leveraging rapid prototyping solutions, created tests for prototypes, and analyzed and presented resulting data.
    * Designed novel fiber optic measurement interfaces and systems for non-invasive, quantitative observance and measurement of fluorescent dyes flowing inside tubing.
    * Independently designed, rapid prototyped, and took through multiple manufacturing and assembling processes a novel radiopharmaceutical-spiked blood-storage device for precise, quantitative diagnostic testing.
    * Designed numerous components and products for 3D printing, injection molding, sheet metal fabrication, ultrasonic welding, and CNC machining manufacturing methods.
    * Familiar with and have authored Design Control and Document Control processes required for FDA Class 1 and Class 2 Medical Devices including user requirement reviews, use case generation, risk analysis, failure mode analysis, human factors analysis, design validation and verification procedures, and Specification Control Documents.
    * Led a diverse team of engineers and specialists through two DoD SBIR contracts.
    * Experienced with low-intensity radioactive materials and radiopharmaceuticals.
    * Executed quality control and assurance processes and clean room-related procedures.
    * Familiar with 21 CFR 820, ISO 13485, and Mil Spec 810G.
    * Performed on-site vendor qualification visitations.


  • University of Tennessee - Knoxville Bachelor's, Biomedical Engineering, 3.4 2012 – 2018