Global rank:
79,778 / 96,234
Skill pts: 0
2D AutoCAD 2D CAD Drafting 3D Modeling 3D Product Modeling CAD Design Catia V5-6 Catia v5 Electronic Enclosures Design Mechanical CAD Engineering Sheet Metal Sheet Metal Design electro mechanical engineer


  • Mechanical Engineer interior and cab Alstom Transport India Pvt Ltd · Full-time Oct 2023 – Mar 2024 5 mos Hyderabad, TS, India Role : Mechanical Engineer- Interior and cab
    Origination : Alstom Transport India Limited, Hyderabad CAD Software’s: CATIA V5 (Part Modeling, Sheet metal Design, Product Design, Drafting), DMA, PDM, Team Center, 3D Com.
    Design and oversee the manufacturing process of rail vehicles, locomotives, carriages, Wagon and multiple Units.
    Worked on Rolling stock - commodities
    Ceiling, Airducter, Side ceiling/Roof arch's, Gangway lining/ end Walls, Windows, Front Mask, Passenger supports, Side lining and door pillars, Language racks, Passenger seats & Floor
  • Mechanical Design Engineer ELECTRONICS CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED · Full-time Aug 2017 – Oct 2023 6 yrs 2 mos Hyderabad, TS, India Designing, developing, and testing of mechanical components and systems
    Familiar with design for manufacturing (DFM) and different manufacturing processes including machining, welding, etc Working knowledge of a large variety of materials (aluminum, steel, Mild Steel, etc.)
    Design for Assembly (DFA): Works with internal manufacturing organization to ensure time, complexity, and cost are minimized for systems and sub-assemblies
    Produce complete, accurate 3D models, 2D Drafting for all components Using Cad software & GD&T
    Generating Documents for General Assembly (GA), Bill of Materials (BOM), Mechanical Assemblies (MA) and Mechanical Detail Drawings (MD) based on working out on all Engineering aspects of Functionality, Mountbility, Wiring, Operation, and Maintenance, Aesthetic.
    Co-ordinates with Customers, suppliers, production team to implement Design changes Manufacturing and Development of project
    Work with Electrical engineers and PCB designers to integrate components into electro mechanical systems


  • SSN College of Engineering B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2011 – 2015