Global rank:
82,872 / 95,042
Skill pts: 0


A list of some of my design achievements:
- A prototype non-thermal plasma reactor for water decontamination with fluid and FEA analyses (Currently used in Research)
- An F1 race car rear spoiler with full Aerodynamic Simulation
- A fully parameterised Internal combustion engine with fluid simulation
- An Augmented Reality Optic with optical simulation (Currently used in Research)
- A set of custom moulds for holding complex automotive parts for a high-spec industry leader (Currently used in Industry)
- A high level, Small Satellite concept with FEA analysis


  • Graduate Project Engineer ProTec · Full-time Oct 2023 – Present 1 yrs 5 mos undefined, England, United Kingdom My current role involves generating CAD from client design specifications, modifying existing models for clients and/or other Protec employees, and assisting in the manufacture, fabrication and assembly of project items


  • University of Southampton Masters, Aeronautics and Astronautics (Engineering), 2:1 2019 – 2023