Global rank:
87,353 / 94,838
Skill pts: 0
2D Design 2D Floor Plan Drawings 2D Plans and Elevations 2D Schematics AutoCAD MEP CAD Design Drafting Electrical Instrumentation Electrical Schematics Instrumentation Instrumentation Drafting PLC Piping and Instrumentation


I currently do water and wastewater EI&C design and drafting. My strengths are in PLC panel design, power distribution and P&ID's. I am good with drafting electrical site plans, conduit and conductor schedules, motor control schematics, and one line diagrams.


  • Electrical and Instrumentation & control Designer/Drafter West Yost · Full-time Jun 2021 – Present 3 yrs 9 mos Phoenix, AZ, United States I have worked on multiple water and wastewater processes. Most recent is being the lead designer/drafter under the engineer on an entire wastewater plant. This involved around 50 P&ID sheets, development of motor control schematics, PLC panel elevations, IO lists, specs, power distribution diagrams and control logic.


  • Idaho State University College of Technology Assoicate's of Applied Science, Industrial Cybersecurity, 3.64 2018 – 2020
  • Idaho State University Bachelors of Applied Science, Cyber Physical Systems Engineering Technology, 3.64 2018 – 2020

Licenses & Certifications