I am a product design engineer proficient in Solidworks 3D CAD modeling and 3D printing.
In my latest project, I took charge of the design and modeling of an automated, portable disinfection device.
Here's a list of what I can do for you:
- Transform your ideas or sketches to 3d models for product design, prototyping, and 3d printing. I can also modify/update your 3d model.
- Do a photo-realistic rendering of the model for your presentations, social media presence, or product listings.
- Create a technical drawing for production reference.
- Anything I can do to help, just let me know!
3D Modeling / Printing Service Provider
Freelance · Freelance
Dec 2019 –
5 yrs 3 mos
undefined, Philippines
Provides 3d design, modeling, and printing services. Also accepts design modification request for readily available models.
Science Research Specialist
University of the Philippines · Contact
Jun 2020 –
Nov 2020
5 mos
undefined, Philippines
Redesigned and 3D modeled the entire assembly of a portable medical disinfection device.
Set up electrical, plumbing, temperature control, and Arduino automation program of the device.
Designed and 3D printed custom parts and fittings.
Evaluated materials and suitable fabrication methods.
Led the development and fabrication of the first functional prototype.
Material Quality Manager
Manila Water Company, Inc. · Full-time
Sep 2016 –
Jun 2017
9 mos
undefined, Philippines
Inspected and tested materials (such as pipes, valves, fittings) to ensure compliance to standards.
Evaluated defects and prescribed applicable repair procedure.
Familiarized with various products in the water industry, their fabrication, and their standard specifications.
University of the Philippines · Full-time
Aug 2014 –
Jul 2016
1 yrs 11 mos
undefined, Philippines
Conducted lecture and laboratory classes in Materials Engineering courses.
Helped develop the new curriculum and drafted the following new courses:
- Materials Selection and Design
- Material Analysis and Testing
- Rate Processes in Materials Engineering
Junior Engineer
Lufthansa Technik Philippines · Full-time
Aug 2013 –
Jun 2014
10 mos
undefined, Philippines
Served as Focal Engineer for two major aircraft maintenance projects and coordinated with manufacturers, customers, and other departments.
Ensured timely aircraft release to service on the Engineering side in all handled layovers.
University of the Philippines
Bachelor of Science, Materials Engineering
2008 – 2013
Licenses & Certifications
Master Solidworks 2019 - 3D CAD using real-world examples
Dec 2020 –
See credential