Global rank:
26,208 / 94,659
Skill pts: 0


I am Jugmohan
I am interested in learning new things day by day otherwise life get boring and waist of time & Like No meaning Of living.I have interest in coding,Modeling,3D Animation and Develop different type of apps,Web Application,Software,Models,Games & etc. Because They inspire me every day of my life how they work .I have interest in develop programs which can help people for make life easy & simpler.

Now About My Skills:- I have Learned Java Core & Java Advance Language Including(J2EE,Java Packages, Java EE, API, EJB, Sturts , Servlet, HTML, bootstarp , SQL , MySQL, JDBC, Multi threading, GUI Application ,JSP , Hibernate etc.)
Now Other skills:-3D Animation,Character Modeling,Riging,Adobe Photoshop,
Software :-Auto desk Maya, Blender.Zbrush
Worked On many servers:-GlassFish Server & etc.
And Looking forward to learn new skills Because every second is important of my life don't want to waste it doing nothing
Lets Do some Hard work With Passion And Create Something New & something Different.
I know Hard work can Not be Define By Words. Just Give a chance to Prove It ,and that's all I need "A opportunity".