Global rank:
170 / 94,160
Skill pts: 261
1st 1st Place
2nd 2nd Place


Please visit my website, that I can give you if you get in contact with me through the platform.
It is my portfolio and you will find all the info you need to know about me, the projects I have completed, my education and work experience, and my contact details. I am an experienced engineer and freelancer.

I am super excited to see what your projects and ideas are and how we can make them reality.

Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll get back to you the same day, any day of the week.


Design Entries

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  • Mechanical Engineer, Project Manager TDM · Jan 2019 – Present 6 yrs 1 mos Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, France Mechanical design of housings of on-board systems. Project management for aeronautics, naval and
    military industries. Use of CAD for the development of products, thermal and vibration simulations. Cost
    management and manufacturing of housings.
  • Mechanical Engineer 3D Pro Australia · Jun 2017 – Nov 2018 1 yrs 5 mos Brisbane QLD, Australia Creation of a mechanical engineering and product development servicing business with an Australian
    engineer, in Australia. Projects for different industries, like mining (large radiators for mining trucks) or
    naval (luxury boats and yachts windows).
  • System Engineer Airbus Defence & Space · Nov 2016 – Jun 2017 7 mos Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, France End-of-studies internship: work among the ground equipment department for a military project. Interface
    management and system engineering. Work with a large team of engineers and a lot of communication


  • University of Queensland Master's Degree, Mechanical Engineering, 6/7 2015 – 2016 Activities and Societies: Mechanical Engineering Thesis, Climbing Team One-year long thesis on the design of a drone, from specifications to prototype fabrication. Important use of CAD, mechanical engineering and product development.
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) Engineering Degree, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering in general, N/A 2011 – 2016 Activities and Societies: Sports, social and travelling groups Theoretical knowledge of mechanical engineering, maths and physics. Practical knowledge of mechanical engineering, manufacturing, CAD and innovation.