Global rank:
31,388 / 95,595
Skill pts: 0


I am exceptionally skilled in SOLIDWORKS and PTC CREO. I have a passion for drawing and drafting. I have an experience of 13 years and I have worked with many big companies of US and Canada. I am employed in one of the major firms in Canada. But I still have hunger for drawing, designing and drafting. That is why I am here.


  • Mechanical Engineer SurfaceID · Full-time May 2011 – Present 13 yrs 10 mos Montreal, QC, Canada I am currently working here as design and drafting engineer.
  • CAD DRAFTSPERSON DESIGNER Downsview Kitchens · Full-time Jan 2007 – Apr 2011 4 yrs 3 mos Mississauga, ON, Canada


  • University of British Columbia (UBC) Mechanical Engineer, Design and Drafting Technology, A- 2002 – 2006 Activities and Societies: I have participated in many curricular and co-curricular activities. I was the president of debating society. I also played badminton.

Other experience

  • Internship I have been an internee at Gibson Product Design from June to August 2005.