Global rank:
4,517 / 93,477
Skill pts: 6


I have completed several design projects for toys and watches. My main skill lies in translating an idea from an initial concept, sketch or design and to come with a sound mechanical construction with a completed 3D assembly where all the component parts are manufacturable.

Coming from a strong mechanical engineering, manufacturing background, I have many years of hands on experience, and have made many improvements for products already in manufacture.

Proof of concept prototyping with 3D printing (FDM or SLA) or CNC machining is available to produce a functional prototype based on the 3D model assembly. This is necessary before going for a production run.

I am close to the manufacturing bases in South China, and have a network of factories who can do small batch production runs.

Summary of other activities:

• Design & proof of concept prototypes of small mechanical devices and producing a set of 3D assembly models and 2D drawings to output to CNC, 3D printing and manufacture
• Engineering drawings approvals new & for ongoing production to ensure finished product matches all specifications and requirements
• Project management of existing production
• Product audit for various consumer products (various consumer products)
• Sourcing of various products & components
• Sourcing of alternative supplier base for lower unit cost and improved quality with follow up factory audit
• Factory QC and making necessary changes to production and future design and product development


  • 3D Concept Design Engineer & Product Audit Asia Sourcing · Freelance May 2005 – Present 19 yrs 9 mos undefined, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
  • Concept designer & Mechanical engineer Wow Wee · Full-time May 2001 – Jun 2003 2 yrs 1 mos undefined, Hong Kong Robotic & RC toys:

     Concept design and prototyping of the first generation of Robosapien.
     Developing & designing proof of concept engineering prototypes for other robotic & RC toys.
     Fine tuning product functionality, specifications and tolerance post production tooling.


  • British Horological Institute Technical Certificate, Technical Horology, Merit 1987 – 1990 Technical drawing, Theory of Horology & Practical work
  • City & Guilds of London Institute Certficate, Certificate in Computer-Aided Engineering, Credit 1986 – 1987 NC/CNC Part Programming & Course Project