1. 2D to 3D conversion
2.Thermal analysis on module level , board level and system level on ansys icepak
3.Good in Creo 3.0 part modeling, sheet metal, assembly, mechanism, animation, cabling,molding Tool
4.Structural analysis
5.Design of SFF and LFF bracket and chassis assembly As per OCP 3.0 specification(Broadcom)
6.EMN/EMP creation in Creo for sharing it to ECAD Team & EMN/EMP verification.
7.plastic design, Good understanding of Plastic materials, B-side features creation used for Automotive trims
8.Fair Knowledge in fundamentals of sheet metal working and also on the design calculations
and consideration
9.Experienced in understanding tooling feasibility studies, concept developments for sheet metal
and plastic product development
10.Preparing mechanism and animation in creo parametric for better understanding of the
mechanical design engineer
tessolve semiconductor pvt.ltd · Full-time
May 2016 –
8 yrs 10 mos
Bengaluru, KA, India
I have experience of 4 years
good in design engineer and thermal simulation
mechanism and animation in creo
handled Broadcom projects
supporting for PCB design team as mechanical engineer
creation of emn emp file
Vishveshwarayya Technical university Belagavi
M.tech, Machine design, Distinction
2014 – 2016
Activities and Societies:
involved in structural and thermal analysis projects
Other experience
Teaching CAD Softwears
worked as a mechanical assistant professor
Teaching Cad software