Global rank:
4,584 / 95,239
Skill pts: 6


I'm a CAD designer, using autoCad, Solidworks, MSC ADAMS & CATIA , ANSYS, Creo Paramatrics and completed some Industrial projects related to design and Fabrication.
I have Worked in a Sheet Metal Industry as a Design Engineer.
Design and fabrication of small thread attachment to automat lathe machine.
SAE INDIA EFFICYCLE it's an event where we have to design and fabrication of hybrid vehicle operated by human and electric power.
Completed Internship at Mahindra CIE.

3D Models


  • Graduate Trainee Engineer Enclosal Systems Pvt LTD Bhosri · Full-time Aug 2019 – Mar 2020 7 mos Pune, MH, India Design and Development of Sheet Metal.
    Developed part & assembly drawing ( 2D & 3D )using CAD.Drawing conversion from manual drawing to Solid works drawings as per standards.
    Create BOM and weight calculation for the designed components
    Laser cutting pricing, layout and sheet metal planning
    Planning process stages for sheet metal operation as per customer requirements.
    Customer based requirement design and fabrication.
    Supervise and get the work from the shop floor.


  • VIT-SRTTC B.E., Mechanical Engineering, 6.62 2016 – 2019 Activities and Societies: SAE INDIA EFFICYCLE 2018 TEAM AGNEYA SAE INDIA EFFICYCLE 2018 , It's a event where teams from all over India participate in this event, we have to design and fabrication of electrical and human powered vehicle or hybrid vehicle.

Other experience

  • Internship - Mahindra CIE Summer Internship at Mahindra CIE urse plant Pune. Where we learn about Production planning, Foundry, Casting , Core making and pattern Making , CNC & VMC machine, Quality Control,CMM and Inspection Reports.