Global rank:
38,690 / 93,814
Skill pts: 0


I mainly work as a 3D graphist for 20 years, first in architectural vizualisation for architects, and for real estate companies after that.

I start project management with the need to differently use the 3D assets: how to bring up more life a still image nor an animation. That why I joined the innovative departement of a top 5 Real Estate company in France to developp the R&D around virtual and augmented realities and the use we can bring to commercial and marketing agencies: How to understand the needs, the trend, the must-have and how to reduce the time-to-market of 3D solutions.

We were proud to bring some innovative concept across the years, like the first "customize your appartment" app, the first holographic experience for non-professionals people in public event which allow customers to experiment an immersive journeys in their new residentials.

Next to that, I use my experience in marketing and communication to upgrade my skills in 3D vizualisation as freelancer, as I always love to create stills, work on details and improve scenography of my images.

last detail, I love challenges.
Hope to see you around a project.