Global rank:
42,072 / 94,767
Skill pts: 0
3D Solidworks 2015 Arduino AutoCAD Automated Vision Inspection CAD Design Design Automation PLC Programming Portail Siemens TIA V17 Python Script 3 RoboDK Robot Programming Robotics Robotics Design Simulation SolidWorks Visual Studio


35 years experience in design automation solution/equipment for Pharma and Automotive. Skills:
Siemens TIA portal, step7 300/400, Wincc, Protool, Microwin, Step5, Safelogic, Rockwell micrologix, compact logic, control Logix, Faktory talk, Pilz PAS4000, Ge Fanuc lm90-30, Mitsubishi, Arduino, Weintek, Atoma900, Intellution Ifix, Proface, Progea, Kuka Krc4, Staubli, Epson, robotics simulation RoboDk, Motion Festo, Beckhoff, Cognex Insight, Profilaser laser Cognex ds1000, Keyence, Omron, Sensopart, Sick, Solidworks, Autocad, Eplan, Machine directive, Gmp, 21cfr p11, Atex, Project Management UNI11648, Industry 4.0, quality iso 9001, Microsoft visual studio, Java, Sql, Python, Visual basic, c++, Microsoft office. Schneider somachine, Tensorflow, openCV, Kneat power user, Seavision, Serializing packaging.


  • Engineer Gino Gonnella · Freelance Jan 2009 – Mar 2022 13 yrs 2 mos Poland Ready meal production lines, complete of mixing, extrusion, cooking, pick & place preparation, packaging, sauces dispensers, tray de-stackers, robotized end-of-line palletization
    Mould injection press enslavement with flaming system, preparation of co-molding components managed by an anthropomorphic Kuka robot guided by a vision system for rear lights lenses, small lighting, plastic components, heat engines, car interior connectors for TIER 1 suppliers, Volskwagen groups, BMW, FCA
    Automatic dimensional verification equipment 100% production of automotive components with 3D reproduction by scanning with ds1000 laser profiler with good / waste product identification, data storage and analysis results on sql database, rotary table equipment for blanking and testing of the co-printed connector with 1000 v dielectric test, dimensional analysis with Cognex chambers, shear loading / unloading management with Epson robots and self-checking with automatic cycles from “pokajoke” warehouse managed by Epson robots, semi-automatic equipment vibration welding break test lens body tail light with Sigma statistical analysis automatic and historical welding quality on sql database.
    ▪ Software development in Pyhton language for object recognition with 3D vision sensor based on deep learning artificial intelligence tensorflow algorithms and openCV for image processing
    Mechanical / electrical design on solidworks / eplan and software development of anthropomorphic robotic arm for pick and place and orientation products. Creation of kinematic control software based on microcontrollers in c++ language and interface on PC for user diagnostics / programming
    ▪ Software revision and operating / performance improvements on packaging lines based on Schneider plc and motion
    Mechanical / electrical design on solidworks and software development based on microcontrollers for high speed tray stacker prototype
    Mechanical / electrical design on solidworks / eplan and software development for food processing line