Global rank:
46,727 / 95,460
Skill pts: 0


I have 6 years experience in AutoCad and 10+ years in MS Office.

I have knowledge in seaworthiness, stability of vessels, hydrodynamics and different constructions.


  • Engineer Silo-Tehnika · Full-time Oct 2020 – Present 4 yrs 5 mos Delnice, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia


  • University of Rijeka - Faculty of Engineering Msc, Naval Architect, Design and Construction of Floating Objects, 3,9 2019 – 2021 Thesis: Ships parametric rolling

Other experience

  • 3. Maj shipyard - storage and processing materials
    - pre-assembly and assembly
    - Equipping the ship
  • Saipem S.P.A. NAVAS - Hydrodynamic and Naval Analysis
    Analysis of performing operations on platforms