Hello, and welcome to my profile! With a solid 7-year track record in the field of AutoCAD drafting, 3D modeling, and GIS technology, I am a dedicated professional who takes...
Multi-disciplinary detailed design technician 20+ years experience
United Kingdom
Multi disciplinary design experience, Top quality CAD Design Services.
Detailed design technician, Design Engineer and Top tier Draftsman. Nothing is impossible, no project too...
Dobrivoje Milosavljević
Born in Pančevo. Graduated from the Architectural Engineering Department of
"Vojislav Ilić” High School in Belgrade and further from the University...
Worked as a CAD Technician and Architectural Technician, working on jobs ranging from small private house extensions to £100million+ high tech commercial facilities.
I have...
I am an Architectural Technician and Consultant with experience in residential and commercial architectural design as well as architectural restoration and industrial / product...
I'm an architectural technician and Civil Engineer. I have 7+ years experience in AutoCad drawings, 5+ years in SketchUp and few years in 3DS max. I'm working mainly in...
Creo, Design & Drafting, and Machine Design Specialist
United States
Recently un-employed Mechanical Engineer. I have worked in the engineering field for approximately 5 years. I started as a technician detailing steel buildings. After I...
I am a highly capable Architecture Technician/Assistant Architect/ Project Coordinator with 20+ years of experience in building construction, in familiarity with residential and...