Einsteins Training PawsBlind
Choosing Finalist
1. Drink
2. Eat
3. Outside
4. Love
5. Play
6. Leave me alone
I would also link up via marketing with the current paw treat dispenser (marketing relationship), some have dual cameras so u can see them and they can see u and u can electronically send them a treat.
Imagine a hybrid of a puppy dispensing system above with the Einstein Training Pad. The dog steps on hungry or water
His bowls fill up
Gets a Treat
How many dogs are there in the US?
According to a pet owners survey, there were approximately 89.7 million dogs owned in the United States in 2017. This is an increase of over 20 million since the beginning of the survey period in 2000, when around 68 million dogs were owned in the United States. Number of dogs in the U.S. 2000-2017. Published by Emma Bedford, Nov 27, 2019. The statistic also shows the share of pet owners in the United States in 2016, by generation. In 2016, 35 percent of pet owners were Millennials. Baby boomers were the next largest generation of pet owner, with 32 percent. Statista 2020
Dogs actually do see color, but many fewer colors than normal humans do. ... Dogs see the colors of the world as basically yellow, blue, and gray. They see the colors green, yellow, and orange as yellowish, and they see violet and blue as blue.
Estimated size 18"-24" by 24"-36"
Dog’s paws are important because they have to effectively accommodate all types of exercise and textures with only one set of paws. Each area the dogs selects van have an associated color and texture.
Please kindly look into the link you posted it appears to lead to a blank page, my initial design was based on research on your requirement maybe looking at the actual link will give a broader view on how to get the best design done for you.
Speaker integrated or bluetooth connection is fine?
Water wise are we talking about a quick sip or filling a full bowl?
Thank you in advance
So, is can be anything between 18 to 24 inches (height) by 24 to 36 inches (width). Does this answer the question?
I would love to get some clarification as to the measurement you dropped, please specify what the measurement are for, and which of them the present way it is written creates some sort of confusion.