Global rank:
55,427 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


Architect & 3D artist for the past 12 years, Osher has worked in the leading offices in Tel Aviv, learning how to execute projects from A-Z, from the preliminary phase of planning to assembling the finest details in the construction phase. In the recent years, Osher has turned deeper into the metaverse, learning more and more software, from Blender to unity and unreal ETC to execute the finest VR+AR environments with considerations to our world's needs, keeping carbon emissions and green polygons and Mana in mind.

Growing up in Sci-Fi & Fantasy culture he brings with him a giant vision for the future with his love for technology.


  • Architect BLK Architects · Full-time Oct 2022 – Present 2 yrs 5 mos Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel Responissible for BIm modeling with a team of 3 Architects,
    on a large scale construction project for 400 housing units,
    BIM - designing 5 different units and inserting the units in the right position of the construction layout.

    Coordinating electrical and HAVC systems with the construction plans from schematic dsign to detailed construction plans and sections.


  • Ariel University Architect, Architecture, 85 2008 – 2015 Activities and Societies: This is a full time B.A Degree achivied in the years 2008-2015 An architectural school

Other experience

  • Digital architect @Mavennet 05/2022 - now
    • Developing animated NFTs and 3D Assets for NFTcollections
    • Designing & Leading projects strategy, calculating projects budget for succeful
    • Responsible for creating a metaverse presence, WEB 3.0 office space within
    projects budget & guidlines.
    • Custome 3D planning for Avatars UI/UX on the metaverse
    • Creative Strategic planing for designing and launching offices NFT collection.
    • Creating a 3D immersive experience for users on the Metaverse