Global rank:
4,048 / 96,274
Skill pts: 7
2D & 3D Renderings AutoCAD AutoCAD 2D to 3D Conversion Autodesk Revit Autodesk Revit Architecture BIM Design Services CAD Design Design Engineer Floor Plans PDF to Revit Rendering Revit MEP Revit Models Twinmotion Twinmotion


___10+ years of experience___All your projects will be done___
You need a well-prepared project! I know how to achieve it. You'll be supported during the project. I have skills as a design engineer for architecture, building, ventilation, heating, water supply, and sewerage. For civil and industrial projects. Executed in AutoCAD, Revit, and Twinmotion.
- you will be able to get architectural models for civil and industrial objects
- you will be able to get models of water supply and sewerage and HVCA networks.
- you will be able to get help with Revit if you need it
If you need to do something with floor plans such as modeling, rendering, video, or walking through the object. WELCOME!


  • Entrepreneur Entrepreneur · Freelance Jun 2022 – Present 2 yrs 9 mos undefined, Ukraine I am an entrepreneur and my occupation is designing architectural buildings, engineering networks for water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, and others. I develop civil and industrial projects in Ukraine. I use AUTOCAD and Revit. Today my main goal is to develop projects on the freelance platform. That is why I offer my services as a BIM/CAD designer. I can improve your team as a Revit manager if you are only on the first step. Languages ​​English intermediate level. Ukrainian native.
  • Design Engineer Ltd «Florit» · Full-time Nov 2015 – Jan 2020 4 yrs 2 mos Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine (Heat and Gas supply and Ventilation. Water supply and Sewerage)
    Development of project documentation (calculation, modeling and specification of different networks)
    Some of projekts: 1. Heat station (Cottage 250m2); 2) Heat station 200kW, small enterprise on solid panel; 3) Water supply and Sewerage of bathroom complex and dining room for 500 persons; 4) Water supply and Sewerage of Hospus with 4th floors.
    For the last years, I have been designing architectural and sanitary networks in Revit and AutoCad. My last work is the template in Revit for the water supply and sanitation of multifunctional complexes. During these years I designed original families for modeling.
  • Design Engineer Ltd « InteriMicro Delta INC » (Tire factory) · Full-time Oct 2013 – Jun 2015 1 yrs 8 mos Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine (Constructions. HAVC. Water/ Sewerage). Development of project documentation (calculation, modeling and specification of different networks). Some of my works: 1) Water/Sewerage - installation of a water meter on a pressure pipeline Ø1000, pumping station on fire water supply, organization networks. 2) HAVC - organization of supply and exhaust ventilation of industrial premises and remote, calculation and installation (steam), organization of heating of the administrative- household complex.


  • Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Bachelor, Specialist in the field of water supply and sanitation design, Specialist 2002 – 2007