Global rank:
8,650 / 94,729
Skill pts: 1


I have 1 year and 4 months of experience In local residential projects using AutoCAD and 5 years and 3 months of working experience in architectural designer with Australian residential projects using ArchiCAD

I have worked with several companies.
First Andrade Builders, where I worked with their team as Technical (AutoCad Operator)/ Procurement for Philippine Local Projects such as interior fit-out on restaurants, offices, and condominiums.

As an AutoCAD operator, I do the full set of architectural drawings and engineering plans per project.
After that, I worked with Building Services International as their Architectural Drafter, I Do Documentation of Architectural Plans providing a full set of working drawings with siting and internal details for residential houses Some of our clients is in Western and SouthWest Australia like
Commodore homes, National homes, Strata Plan & Go homes
and this is where I learned the Building Codes of Australia.
aside from architectural I made display homes for them like model houses and Base models like sketches or Marketing Plan

I worked also with ABE Architectural Outsourced
as their Architectural Designer, providing a full set of Architectural Plans and working drawings with siting and internal details, the difference from my previous work is that my projects here are mostly residential group homes for persons with disabilities to comply with SDA or NDIS.
Our project is located in New South Wales. and some in victoria
aside from SDA, we need to comply with CDC and DA requirements.

that is the first step to do the schematic plan to check if all requirements are compliant before doing the full working drawings.
like I need to propose a floor plan with site and floor level and check the design and siting if all are compliant with SDA or DA requirements

and with Homecorp Construction. I worked with them as an ArchiCAD Draftsperson, doing the Master Plan like template plan with different facade designs for their residential projects. after that when the working drawing is requested we do the siting, landscaping, and a full set of architectural plans. Queensland is the place where our projects are. and we need to comply with each estate covenant or with the Queensland Development Code.

also with ABN Group, as their draftsperson, doing the checking from contract, siting, and finals to comply with the regulations and design guidelines to pass the DA requirements. And provide the full set of working drawings.


  • ArchiCAD Draftsperson My Offshore Team · Full-time Jan 2022 – Present 3 yrs 1 mos undefined, VIC, Australia Client 2 - Victoria
    Drafting department and drawing production
    Contract & Siting Checker
    Doing Base Model/Sketch
    Doing the Amendments and Variations
    Doing the RFI (Request Further Information)

    Client 1 - Queensland
    Drafting department and drawing production
    Document the Master Template
    Provide Siting
    Provide Full-Set of Working Drawing
    Doing the Amendments and Variations
    Doing the RFI (Request Further Information)
    Team Checker
  • Architectural Designer ABE Architecture Outsourced · Full-time Oct 2020 – Oct 2021 1 yrs undefined, NSW, Australia Drafting department and drawing production
    Documentation of Full Working Drawing
    Complying with the Schematic Plan with DA or CDC
    Providing Internal Details
    Doing the Amendments and Variations
    Provide CDC Set of plans per project
  • Architectural Drafter B&S Design Services · Full-time Feb 2018 – Dec 2019 1 yrs 10 mos undefined, WA, Australia Drafting department and drawing production
    Documentation of Full Working Drawing
    Doing the Base Model Plan (Sketch)
    Doing Display Homes (Model Display)
    Providing Internal Details
    Doing the Amendments and Variations
    Team Checker
  • Junior Designer Andrade Builders · Full-time Feb 2017 – Dec 2017 10 mos undefined, Philippines Technical assistance in various projects for completion.
    Providing Interior Fit-out Architectural Plan
    Providing Engineering Plans
    Taking care of Building and Occupancy Permit
    Managing Site of various Project
    Procurement (Direct contact company with supplier)
    Providing Bill of Quantities and Material.


  • Laguna State Polytechnic University Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Architectural Drafting, College 2013 – 2017

Other experience

  • Design Works - Freelance - Doing the 3D modeling
    - Plans for Marketing (Sketch Plan, Elevation and 3D)
    - 3D Render