Global rank:
92,686 / 94,788
Skill pts: 0
2D AutoCAD Autodesk Revit CAD Design CAD Drafting (AutoCAD, Revit) Coding Dynamo Grasshopper Grasshopper Custom Components Microsoft powerbi Revit Dynamo Revizto Revizto Rhino + Grasshopper Rhinoceros 3D Solibri Solibri Synchro 4D Synchro 4D Tekla Visual programming


I am a Senior Digital Engineer and BIM Coordinator with 12 years of experience in the industry.
My career began as a Structural Engineer in Italy before expanding internationally to London,
Melbourne, and Perth, where I worked as a Structural BIM Modeller and BIM Coordinator.
I have extensive experience in high-rise buildings and infrastructure projects, including
underground metro stations, TBM tunnels, and rail systems. Over the years, I have honed my
skills in visual scripting and coding, developing custom scripts and add-ins for Revit, Rhino, and
Tekla, as well as standalone desktop applications.