Global rank:
27,033 / 94,534
Skill pts: 0


"I graduated from the Faculty of Technical Education at Karabuk University, specializing in Design and Construction. My career began at Kümsan Crane Systems, where I contributed to projects such as Gantry cranes, Jib cranes, Roof cranes, Yacht transport cranes, and more. After six years at Kümsan, I moved to a company producing Heating, Cooling, and Insulation materials, where I played a key role in designing Turkey’s first durable plastic carrying cases, which were later produced for companies like Aselsan, Roketsan, and TAI. I worked at Hexagon Studio for 10 years and left in January 2024. I have been working at Altınay Savunma for the past year, where I am involved in maritime projects."


  • Crane ;Systems KM Kümsan · Full-time Jun 2009 – Present 15 yrs 8 mos İzmit, Kocaeli, Turkey


  • Karabük Üniversitesi 2,86, Design and Construction of machines 2001 – 2009

Other experience

  • Hexagon Studio Automotive Industry, Defense Industry, Agriculture Industry