Global rank:
31,235 / 94,292
Skill pts: 0


IMT professional with more than two years of experience in the aerospace industry, looking for the proven skills of mechatronic systems development and mechanical design in the position of Mechatronic Engineer.


  • Mechatronic engineer JHT · Part-time Jan 2018 – Present 7 yrs 1 mos Puerto Vallarta, Jal., México My job is to design models in CAD, electronic design and integration of mechatronic systems.


  • Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) Mechatronics Engineer, Mechatronic Engineering , 9.0 2012 – 2017 Activities and Societies: 3D PRINTING LAB at ITESM Develop rapid prototypes Play soccer. I like to develop my ideas through the construction of mechanisms and use of electronics