Global rank:
3,444 / 95,043
Skill pts: 8


TJD engineering design was born from a passion for good engineering and great design. Founded by Thomas Dachtler an engineer with a background in motorsport and machine automation. We are dedicated to producing high quality products and mechanical systems.

3D Models


  • Managing Director TJD Engineering Design · Full-time Apr 2020 – Present 4 yrs 11 mos Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom At TJD Engineering Design we aim to provide the highest quality of design solutions. With a focus on detail, and a wealth of experience in small scale production methods we can bring your product to prtotype in an efficient and helpful manner.
  • Operations Manager National Lift Tower · Full-time Jan 2019 – Present 6 yrs 2 mos Northampton, England, United Kingdom
  • Project Engineer Complete Safety Systems · Full-time Oct 2011 – Dec 2018 7 yrs 2 mos Northampton, England, United Kingdom CSS offers a complete engineering package from measuring on a customers site, through the design process, manufacture and fitting. Focusing on machine guarding, safety systems and automated machines.
    Over the course of my time there I was able to work within all departments of the company ending with 4 years in the design and project mamagement office using Solidworks software to bring engineering solutions to life for our customers.
  • First Mechanic Moore Racing · Full-time Jun 2005 – Jun 2011 6 yrs Great Linford, England, United Kingdom At Moore Racing I learned much of what I know about mechanical sympathy and the value of good design. Working on high performance sports cars from a converted Honda Civic Endurance racer to a BMW GTR ALMS I got to see first hand what happens when mechanical systems have to operate at their absolute limits. This left me with a strong attention to detail and a passion for achieving ultimate performance.