Global rank:
5,869 / 95,109
Skill pts: 5


Qualified mechanical engineer with expertise in various 3D modeling software for designing and limited proficiency in simulation software like ANSYS and MATLAB. I also work on KeyShot for creating photorealistic renderings to satisfy the customer needs.


  • CAD Engineer RoboSlog · Part-time Sep 2020 – Present 4 yrs 6 mos Delhi, DL, India Upgraded the existing design of a 3D printer to a dual-drive dual extrusion printer with linear rails for my company and also contributed to various on-demand projects.


  • Vellore Institute of Technolgy, Vellore B . E, Mechanical engineering, 3rd year 2018 – 2022 Activities and Societies: International Society of Automation I am currently the External Administrative Head at the International Society of Automation( ISA-VIT ) at my university.


Joined: October 20, 2020


English Professional working proficiency

Hindi Native or bilingual proficiency

German Elementary proficiency


Delhi, Delhi, India