Global rank:
36,711 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


1. I am a Bsc.(Hons.) Mechanical engineering undergraduate.
2. I have learned about CAD during my degree curriculum.
3. My passion is in the way of engineering designing.
4. I will do the first priority for the job I have taken.
5. I will give my full effort to fulfill the customer requirement.


  • Training Engineer Colombo Dockyard PLC · Full-time Jun 2019 – Dec 2019 6 mos Colombo, WP, Sri Lanka I was work in 10 different workshops with fully hard core mechanical engineering environment. The experience I have got those 6 months was added a new chapter to my engineering career.


  • Ananda college, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. Bsc.(Hons) Mechanical Engineering, General Mechanical, 2nd Upper 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: 1. Associative member of Rotaract club University of Moratuwa. 2. Badminton. 3. Carrom.